

原本對重金屬搖滾樂沒啥興趣,前幾天手賤在XBOX LIVE下載了吉他英雄三的試玩版,裡面有五首歌可以玩,練到第四首的ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE,一時驚為天人。上網查了一些SCORPIONS(天蠍合唱團)的資料,才知道這個出身德國、風靡40年、幾經團員異動的重金屬樂團已經是搖滾界的經典了。

1989年11月柏林圍牆倒塌,SCORPIONS的冠軍作品 WIND OF CHANGE成為鐵幕開啟、共產衰落與冷戰結束的主題曲,並錄製俄文版本,贏得前蘇聯領袖戈巴契夫邀請,到克林姆林宮參加研討會。滾石音樂雜誌讚譽SCORPIONS為「重金屬英雄」。

節奏強勁、旋律煽情有力、主唱高音直竄雲霄的Scorpions,由著名的吉他兄弟Michael Schenker、Rudolph Schenker與主唱Klaus Meine等人組成,最初以憾人的強力金屬搖滾作風逐步攻城掠地,以不歇止的演唱行程與搖滾火力獲得了廣大搖滾樂迷的支持,當時的專輯作品”Fly To The Rainbow”(74) 、”In Trance”(76) 、”Virgin Killer”(77)皆是其中的巔峰鉅作。隨著逐年的征戰,團員也大幅換血,Michael離團另組MSG樂團,新任吉他手Matthias Jabs、貝斯手Francis Buchholz及鼓手Herman Rarebell也先後加入,曲風也逐漸漸化並改走流行路線,如”holiday”、”Still Loving You”等抒情經典名曲也陸續出籠。

在YOUTUBE上有不少他們的MV,但是聽來聽去,還是第一次聽到的ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE最得我心(耳)。據說年底要出的吉他英雄之世界巡迴將收錄幾十年來的搖滾經典,已經讓我開始滿心期待了。

Rock You Like a Hurricane

It's early morning
The sun comes out
Last night was shaking
And pretty loud
My cat is purring
And scratches my skin
So what is wrong
With another sin
The bitch is hungry
She needs to tell
So give her inches
And feed her well
More days to come
New places to go
I've got to leave
It's time for a show

Here I am, rock you like a hurricane
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane

My body is burning
It starts to shout
Desire is coming
It breaks out loud
Lust is in cages
Till storm breaks loose
Just have to make it
With someone I choose
The night is calling
I have to go
The wolf is hungry
He runs to show
He's licking his lips
He's ready to win
On the hunt tonight
For love at first sting

Here I am, rock you like a hurricane
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane

    創作者 gentaro 的頭像


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